Sunday, June 11, 2023


I came across these interesting little tidbits of household helpful hints and thought I'd share them with you.  Most people agree that vodka doesn't have a smell or taste.  [However, to me it smells and tastes like rubbing alcohol.  Therefore, I find these uses for vodka far more viable than drinking it.  :) ]

Remove a Band-Aid

If you've got a Band-Aid you want to remove without the pain of ripping it off, dab some vodka over the adhesive part so that it comes off with more ease. This method also works with stickers.

Treat Poison Ivy

If you think your skin has come into contact with poison ivy, pour vodka over the affected area immediately. Some say the stronger the alcohol, the better. Rubbing alcohol can also be used.

Freshen Laundry

Spritz some vodka on your clothes to freshen them up. Vodka kills odor-causing bacteria and dries with no smell. Be sure to keep the clothing in a well-ventilated area.

Ease a Toothache

Got a toothache? You should go to the dentist, but until then swish some vodka in your mouth. It will help disinfect the affected area and also numb the pain a little.

Insect Repellent

Pour some vodka into a spray bottle to repel pesky insects. Spray near you or on you, but avoid the eyes!

Keep Flowers Fresh

Mix vodka with a spoonful of sugar or baking soda with water to keep your flowers fresher in the vase for longer.

Tame Frizzy Hair

Mix some vodka into your hair conditioner to tame any frizzy hair and make it shinier. It also might help reduce flakes.

Window Washing

Instead of buying that blue stuff, use vodka to clean your windows. Just mix some cheap, high-proof vodka with water and spray away.

Treat Jellyfish Sting

Stung by a jellyfish? Pour some vodka on it ASAP to disinfect it and calm some of the sting.


Anonymous said...

Definitely some interesting uses.

M. S. Spencer said...

Sort of on-topic, but a use for gin my mother taught me. For fruit salad, toss a tablespoon or so of gin with the fruit. It doesn't taste ginny but brings out the flavors of the fruit (and keeps them from browning)

Samantha Gentry said...

Anonymous: Definitely some that surprised me.

Thanks for your comment.

Samantha Gentry said...

M.S.: I've heard that about other things with fresh fruit, but not gin. There's also adding an aspirin to the water in the vase to make cut flowers last longer.

Thanks for your comment.