Sunday, April 4, 2010

What's In Your Junk Drawer?

It's spring and that means many good things—shiny new leaves on the trees, colorful spring flowers, sunny days that don't include below freezing temperatures at night. Unfortunately, it also means seasonal chores—putting away the winter coats and clothes, getting out the summer clothes, switching over from furnace to air conditioning, rounding up the garden hoses and sprinklers, and finally the inevitable once a year chore of spring cleaning.

And speaking of spring cleaning, shouldn't that include straightening out and organizing that famous catch-all known as the junk drawer? Don't deny that you have one. Everyone does and it's usually in the kitchen. What are some of the common items kept in a junk drawer?  The following items were on a list a saw a couple of days ago.  Some of these items are in my junk drawer and some aren't.  Actually, I have two junk drawers.  One is for miscellaneous kitchen gadgets that are definitely not organized.  The other is for those items that truly fit the description of a junk drawer.

1) Scissors: These are a must in a junk drawer. They don't need to be an expensive pair, but they do need to be there.

2) Paper clips and safety pins: When something needs fastening, it's a nuisance to rummage through your office for a paper clip and sift through sewing supplies to find what you need. It's very convenient to have a few of these items handy in the kitchen.

3) Pens and pencils: Another must for the junk drawer. Everyone always needs one in the kitchen. This is where a lot of the free give-away promotional pens end up.

4) Bandages: Just in case you cut yourself while chopping veggies.

5) Gum: Always a nice surprise to find a stick of gum or piece of candy.

6) Rubber bands: While they're essential to a junk drawer, they often end up running amok. You need to put them in something so they won't get tangled with everything and with each other.

7) Bag clips: If you have the kind with magnets on them, then you probably keep them on the freezer or refrigerator. But if they don't have magnets, you'll most likely keep them in the junk drawer.

8) Batteries: Many people keep batteries in their refrigerator, but it has been debated whether or not this actually extends battery life. I keep mine in my junk drawer, mostly AA and AAA batteries since they are the most used.

9) Mini tools: It's good to have a few tools handy such as mini screwdrivers and a hex key for those quick emergency fixes that don't require dragging out the big tool box.

10) Emery board/nail file: It's nice to have one handy to smooth those little snags that happen while working in the kitchen.

There are drawer organizers made for the specific purpose of putting that junk drawer in some kind of order. I've given up on them and have returned to the basic disorganized junk drawer.

What kind of stuff do you keep in your junk drawer?


Roseanne Dowell said...
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Roseanne Dowell said...

I love this. I also have two junk drawers. One isn't big enough. I have screws and screwdrivers as well as a hammer. I also have several magic markers and my phone book and instructions to different kitchen appliances like the coffeemaker, microwave, etc. Now you know why I have two drawers. LOL But I know where to find everything.
roseanne dowell, author of Time to Live Again available from Red Rose Publishing

Samantha Gentry said...

Roseanne: Oh, book and the owner's manual for the kitchen appliances. I have those in a different place than my two junk drawers because there isn't any room in the drawers. I guess I need three junk drawers. I have nails, screws, hammer, duct tape. LOL

Mary Ricksen said...

That's your junk drawer. That's nothing!
My drawer is awful. There are things in the back of it I don't want to touch!
Plus it's broken and wiggles side to side.
It's full of Junk!!!

Samantha Gentry said...

Mary: Actually, that's one of my two junk drawers. I even have a couple of rabbit ears tv antennas, the analog kind that no longer has any use because it's old technology and no longer viable that went with an analog television. That isn't even junk any more, it's trash! And this is my neat and tidy junk drawer. :)

susan said...

My junk drawer is full of junk..pens,bread twisties,potholders,pennies,small items that comes from kitchen table to drawer for lack of a better place to keep them such as Boxtops for Cash, which I save to help the schools here. I also can find hairpins, rubber bands and this is just the tip of the iceburg. susan L.

Samantha Gentry said...

Susan: It's really amazing that they of 'junk' we find in our junk drawers. I have things in mine that should be thrown away. But even after writing this blog the 'throw away junk' is still in the drawer. I have no excuse or explanation! LOL